Gull Khan is a Magnanimous Money Mastery Expert (MMM Expert) and works with Female business Executives and Entrepreneurs to help them blast through their income glass ceiling and to simultaneously start building their savings and investment portfolio.
As a trained healer, she helps people get out of their stuck, repetitive patterns by removing the Unseen Energetic blocks from their Electromagnetic Field.
She uses her innovative transformation techniques to upgrade vibration and moves her clients into a higher energetic frequency, aligned with their manifestation goals.
Why she does this?
Before this, she was a Corporate Lawyer and has worked for some of the Top Companies and Law Firms in the world.
Gull changed her profession because she is on a personal mission to empower females financially. She is a domestic abuse survivor and she has come to realize that unless females are financially independent they leave themselves open to all sort of abuse, ranging from physical to sexual to verbal to emotional! THIS HAS TO STOP. The way forward is to empower every female financially.
Listen to this very inspiring conversation where Gull Khan talks about issues many people don't like talking about. She explains that domestic abuse has nothing to do with class. Unfortunately, countless females today belonging to various classes are experiencing an abusive relationship. An abusive relationship does not necessarily imply physical abuse only but also includes verbal and financial abuse. In her conversation with me, Gull brings the much-needed awareness on this tabooed topic. The dilemma is that though many women experience abuse, they either do not realize and fail to label it or too scared to confess, It's important to know that verbal abuse and gaslighting by partners is just as detrimental and unhealthy as is physical abuse and needs to be stopped. Gull believes that a lot of negative energy is passed on to women, especially, if they have seen their parents experiencing similar mental blocks or negative relationships.
Gull also believes that in the day and age of today, it is important for females to learn how to be financially independent and through her transformative strategies she empowers women to do exactly that!
You can contact her in the following ways:

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Gull Khan
Business and Personal Coach; Intuitive Coach; Energy and EFT Practitioner; Author and International speaker:

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