104. Neal Foard - The Human Condition is Cooperation

"An environment of generosity where people are, they are only too happy to give to others their time, their attention, their good feelings, their support, their sympathy.  In an environment of generosity, you unlock speed, you unlock creativity, you unlock new ideas, and you know that new ideas are a compound interest article, right? Because with every new idea that gives birth to another new idea, and on and on, and it compounds itself." - Neal Foard

Neal Foard

Guest Bio:

Neal Foard has spent 25 years in advertising and marketing, creating award winning campaigns for global power brands like Budweiser, Lexus and Sony. For his work on Toyota, Neal ranked among the top ten most awarded creative directors in the world in 2002. As the author of an innovative coaching series Neal was named Worldwide Director of Creative Learning for global ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi. He has consulted on creative messaging for Fortune 500 companies and universities and been a featured speaker at TEDx conferences. Most recently, Neal has gained a following on social media for his inspirational videos about the better side of everyday people.

R.O.G. Takeaway Tips:

Eudaimonia (Flourishing) - create an environment where people thrive
Create psychologically safe environments
Believe in someone and find someone who believes in you
Tell stories where you are not the hero of the story

Neal's Book/Author Recommendations:

Tribe by Sebastian Younger
Turn This Ship Around by Navy Captain, David Marquet
Charles Bukowski


Neal Foard on LinkedIn (ln/neal-foard-3727403)
Neal Foard on YouTube
Neal Foard's TEDx Talk
Description of Eudaimonia
What is Eudaimonia?
Eudaimonia: Definition, Meaning and Examples

Network Diversity Index Quiz

Coming Next:

Episode 105, Building Bridges Coaching Tips for Generous Leaders with Shannon Cassidy. Topic: Network Diversity Index. 


Neal Foard, Sheep Jam Productions, Host Shannon Cassidy, Bridge Between, Inc.