Life is like a delicate structure…

And where structures are concerned, they’re only as strong as the pillars and foundation supporting them.

Unfortunately, our society is too focused on seeking instant gratification! A lot of us skimp on foundational work in favor of putting up flimsy facades.

“Quick and Easy” is just never short of demand. Marketers abuse these words and slap it on every website, packaging, YouTube and Facebook videos, blog articles, among other marketing collaterals for almost every product imaginable…and people STILL keep falling for it!

What’s tragic is that this phenomenon has even made its way to affecting businesses and marriages.

“Why work hard when there are easy money-making schemes?”

“Why invest in a partner when you can find replacements on Tinder?”

WHY? Because as much as people crave immediate satisfaction, what everyone TRULY desires deep down is LIFE-LONG happiness and NOT some SHORT-LIVED rendezvous.

Which is why we’re fortunate to be joined by Don and Kimmi Abad, who are here to share how investing in Faith, Family, and Freedom – the 3 Pillars of Life – is your ticket to the life that you desire!

Don is a filmmaker, and Kimmi was a dancer and school teacher, now a full-time mom. Together, they are engaged in business that started in the network marketing space.

As artists, they were met with the challenge of not knowing how to monetize their art. By leveraging their resources in the direct-selling space, they were able to make full use of their skills and talents to create valuable content that continue to positively impact the lives of many people.

Besides business, they also had to face challenges in their marriage. By building their life upon strong values and foundations, this amazing couple plowed through trial after trial, and are now living the life of their dreams!

How exactly are the 3 Pillars relevant to your business and marriage? What makes the network marketing space a great avenue for starting a business? How should we really utilize mainstream media to further our goals?

Check these out to learn more from the source!

IG: @realdonabad
IG: @kimmi.abad
Podcast Show: Sovereign

Tune in to learn more about building strong businesses and marriages upon the values of Faith, Family, and Freedom.

Connect with Cory and Jojo: 

Strong Business Stronger Marriage Facebook Group -

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Lastly, If you would like to set up a call with us. Click here to schedule: