Today on Strong Business Stronger Marriage we are joined by Tyler Foley.  Tyler  retired from his first career after 20 year of performing as an actor.  The retired came at the young age of 25.  Since then he has learned the art of communication with his wife as he has built his business over the last six years.

One way that Tyler embodies the Strong Business Stronger Marriage lifestyle you can see in the following quote from this weeks episode;

"anytime I have an idea, she's the first one I bounce it off of because she comes up with all of the, this is why it will work and this is why it won't work. And then it's my job to come up with solutions for the why it won't. In my way with my other team, other people that I work with and get the input from there.

And then I present the final plan to her and say, okay, this is the plan that I've come up with. If I implement this, if I drop this domino, what other consequences can come from this cascade? And then she does the final look over. And if I've satisfied, her curiosity. And if I've satisfied her need for answers, then I know that the idea can go forward because at that point, I've consulted her twice calmed her concerns and come up with a plan that make sense to both me and her."


Also take note of the phrase YES AND... listen in to Tyler's story of why you should never close the door and if we can all start with yes and then the communication for people on both sides of the conversation or relationship will be able to get exactly what they need.

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