Our society thrives on strong families.


A family teaches us how to function in the world. It should provide love and warmth to all of its members. A strong family gives its members the support they need to make it through life’s toughest spots.


Matt and Carrie Cox, a married couple that lives in Henderson, Nevada, were tied together not just because of their love for each other but because of their love of God and their desire to serve their community.


They met in a daycare center after having both unsuccessful marriages. Matt and Carrie have children of their own but brought their two families together to have one wonderful family.


Same as normal families, they also faced challenges, but by relying on each other, they have built strong family support.


Because of a personal childcare challenge way back when Carrie’s second daughter was in severe medical condition, she developed a passion in taking care of children.


The couple then decided to give back and pay it forward to their community as their daughter survived the medical condition by the grace of God.


Being in the same Church as Matt and Carrie, we believe in the principle of “Lifting where you stand”.  And it does mean lifting–we all have something we can do to serve, and it will not happen unless we decide ourselves to do it.


It is willingness to be someone else’s support and striving to fill the capacity people need to be met. To look out for opportunities to serve our neighbors–our co-workers, our friends, and our families.  


The strength of community lies in the strength of the connections that we have with each other. And with strong connections, people have the power to make real change.


Tune in to learn more about lifting the community, and building strong family support for a strong business and stronger marriage.

Connect with Carrie and Matt:



Connect with Cory and Jojo:

Strong Business Stronger Marriage Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/221111245753095

Cory's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/coryrankin

Jojo's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jojo.rankin.395

Lastly, If you would like to set up a call with us. Click here to schedule:
