David Taylor-Klaus works hard, and he plays hard. He deliberately approaches the important roles in his life with intention and attention:

Husband, Father & Friend.Coach, Mentor & Speaker.Serial Entrepreneur, Strategist & Visionary.Wine Collector, Avid Cyclist & Gold-medal Rower.

In every walk of life, he is a lifelong learner.

David’s personal and professional worlds clearly reflect a journey in pursuit of excellence, always with a great deal of humor and heart. He is known for his sharp intellect and incisive ability to see and say what others do not. He balances fierce candor with genuine compassion … aka “an iron fist in a velvet glove.”

Whether working with individuals, teams, or speaking to large groups, David believes that a powerful leader exists in each of us, his goal is to empower others to unearth and unleash their own leadership mastery. From personal experience, he drives home the importance for all professionals to take an active, intentional, and dynamic role in their private and professional lives.


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Connect with Cory and Jojo:

Strong Business Stronger Marriage Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/221111245753095

Cory's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/coryrankin

Jojo's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jojo.rankin.395