What you will learn from this episode:

Learn about the action steps to gain back your credibility and prove your worth even when everyone around doubts your capability to stand up again. Find out how personal branding plays a role in the long-term game of building your business. Discover how you can use your retirement funds without incurring taxes and penalties.

3Rs Read, Resource, Reflect:


Blueprint to Your Best Retirement: How to Access Your Retirement Account Penalty and Tax-Free by Daniel Blue


Real Business Owners podcast

Calm - a meditation app


"Do it despite. Do it despite how you feel, whatever it is, you need to do it, despite." - Daniel Blue

Hitting rock bottom -- Addiction crushing you in, you lose your job, drop out of college, nowhere to stay after losing your house, not even your car is spared, and you're left with a little daughter to take care of.

That seems to be quite a hopeless case. Yet, something is noteworthy as our guest, Daniel Blue, this week turns his helplessness into building a seven-figure business.

How are you supposed to stand up and start anew?

In this episode, our guest for today shares his journey from addiction and how he was able to defeat everything, remain sober for more than a decade, prove his worth once again, rise to the top and become the success story that he is today.

It may seem an impossible feat to many, but with the renewed credibility he brings and the life lessons learned, he now helps people find solutions.

With an insurmountable challenge before him, what saw him through was a strong mindset and confidence to conquer everything. And who could better share the action steps to overcome struggles in life than him?

He also talks about the business he founded, Quest Education, and how that helps many people find alternative investment opportunities and use their retirement accounts penalty and tax-free.

Daniel Blue is a regular contributor to Forbes.com and is the owner of Quest Education, a company that helps entrepreneurs obtain capital for their companies, pay off high-interest debt and make money tax-free using a self-directed retirement account.

Under Daniel's leadership, Quest Education has reached the seven-figure mark two years in a row and has customers in all fifty states.

His story is unique in the sense, as he had a daughter when he was 19 years old and overcame addiction to Oxycontin at 20 years old. Those two life-changing moments helped shape Daniel into the man he is today.

Topics Covered:

03:17 - His turning point from drug addiction to being clean and starting anew
08:06 - How he sees himself handling the conversation about his addiction with his daughter when the right time comes
09:54 - Using his painful past as a motivation to become successful
11:34 - Why do social media bullies put someone down and how to overcome them
13:01 - What makes a strong and resilient mindset
15:00 - Action steps he needed to do to start on a clean slate
18:56 - Going all into gaining back his credibility
21:13 - What is Quest Education -- how can you get access to your retirement funds without having penalties and taxes
25:09 - Marketing strategies to attract clients and why personal branding matters a lot
27:57 - Ideal age range of customers they attract
28:33 - Different ways Quest Education provides services to people
30:41 - Why keep adding value and not spamming
32:24 - What makes this favorite personal brand not leave a bad taste in the mouth when reading their emails?
33:49 - The reasons why this podcast show is his favorite
35:23 - His favorite quote
36:23 - Conquering limiting beliefs

Key Takeaways:

"You have to be able to learn from your mistakes, move on, and be able to learn from those failures because I'm ultimately a better person today because of the huge failures that I made in the past. It sucks, but it's who I am." - Daniel Blue

"I feel like the tougher the shit you deal with, the harder it is, the more it's pushing you to the limit, the more stressed, more anxiety, typically on the other side of that struggle is success." - Daniel Blue

"The first thing that comes to mind in creating a resilient mindset is building self-worth. Affirmations work; I believe in them. I believe they're a tool. However, it's about confidence. And the way you can develop confidence is by keeping the promises you make to yourself. And if you can keep promises that you make to yourself, you inherently build up your self worth." - Daniel Blue

"Networking and relationships have been a big reason I've been able to get to where I'm at today." - Daniel Blue

"I just started with the basics; I started with seeking out relationships with other people that were in a good place mentally. They had good relationships; they had good health, they had a good mindset. It's just small wins; it's just consistently putting yourself in the right place, at the right time, and controlling what you can control." - Daniel Blue

"If you're American, the big problem that you have is, if you have a retirement account, you really can't access it without paying penalties and taxes. And it's a lot of penalties and taxes to the IRS. We're talking 20, 30, sometimes 40% that you lose. And so we show people how to access money in their retirement accounts penalty and tax-free." - Daniel Blue

"If you want to use your retirement accounts to invest into real estate, there might be a way that we can help you structure your retirement accounts a little bit differently, to get those results to get you out of debt to get you the funding to invest in real estate and not have to pay penalties and taxes on your hard-earned money." - Daniel Blue

"Personal branding has been a big part of what we've been focusing on especially this year and positioning ourselves to, you know, generate some organic traffic, so we definitely get some business from people just reaching out to us." - Daniel Blue

"If you come from a place of confidence, then it's a lot easier to dismiss that voice in your head that is selling you a reason not to do something or selling you on questioning yourself." - Daniel Blue

Additional Resource:

Download your One-Page Strat Plan: https://reibranded.com/checklist/strat-plan/

Connect with Daniel Blue:

danielblue.me yourquest.com

Connect with Paul Copcutt:

reibranded.com LinkedIn Email: [email protected]

Music: Thank you to Zoax for the intro music