People make the mistake of focusing more on the visual part of branding before even considering audio. Part of the reason may be the challenge of finding what sound matches the visuals.

While visuals, such as logo and colour scheme, establish your brand's identity, the sound is what instantly connects on a deeper emotional level with your audience. And that makes your personal brand relatable to others.

Why you've got to check out this episode:

Find the right combination of audio that connects to your visual brand Learn how to create an audible representation of visual brand to have an additional touchpoint Discover the deep emotional connection your audio brand builds with your audience that makes your personal brand relatable to them.

3 Rs Read Resource Reflect

Read / Listen:

Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Any books by Seth Godin

The Total Life Freedom Podcast with Vincent Pugliese





"Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

In this episode, Jodi Krangle uncovers the power that your voice creates in your personal brand. She highlights that as you have a compelling visual so then you must also have an audible representation that goes with it that reaches a level untouched by images. That's how people know you better and influences their decision to work with you.

Today on the 'personally brandtastic' podcast Jodi Krangle helps you find the right combination of audio that connects to your visual brand.

Learn how to create an audible representation of visual brand elements to every client's touchpoint and discover the deep emotional connection your audio brand builds with your audience that makes your personal brand relatable to them.

Jodi Krangle has been a voice actor since 2007 and has worked with clients from major brands all over the world including Dell, BBVA & Kraft. She’s also a singer and put out her own album of jazz, blues and traditional tunes ( Over the years, and doing what she does, she’s learned a lot about sound and how it influences people. Her podcast on this subject is called Audio Branding: The hidden gem of marketing.

Here are her 5 Tips to help a Company or Podcast be more intentional with their audio branding strategy and includes a page of links to music directories, sound effect locations & vetted voice talent (through World Voices). It's a downloadable pdf, that then signs you up for a mailing list (so that you'll be informed when new podcast episodes come out). It also gives you access to a separate resource called "The Studio" (only for subscribers) with Videos, PDFs, ebooks & special discounts from her podcast guest experts. That resource also has parts of some of the audio interviews (some, even before the episodes go live!) for your ears only.

Click Here:

Connect with Jodi Krangle:

Voice Over Website: The Audio Branding Podcast: Top 5 Tips for Implementing an Intentional Audio Strategy: Jazz/Blues Album – Time Will Tell:

Business Optimizer:

Are you a real estate investor or related business professional or owner looking to build your business and stand out from the crowd?  The first step is to understand where your business stands right now.  You can do that with the Business Optimizer Assessment that we have created that has already helped dozens of real estate investors and other business owners to define and develop their personal brands and grow their revenues. Take the FREE assessment and complimentary report and follow-up strategy call by going to Business Optimizer Assessment

Connect with Paul Copcutt: LinkedIn Email: [email protected]

Topics Covered:

03:49 - Defining audio branding
05:07 - What makes audio branding very useful?
10:28 - The ways you can use voice to brand yourself as real estate investors
12:41 - How voice connects on a deeper emotional level than visuals
14:58 - Making your voice not appear scripted
16:03 - Experiencing different flavors with what you're listening to
18:57 - Using your voice as real estate investor versus hiring voiceover artists
19:49 - Differentiating condenser against a dynamic microphone
21:30 - Tips on the equipment to use to get good audio budget-wise
24:09 - Recommendations for the best recording spaces
26:29 - What impression do you want to make with your voice to your target audience
27:29 - Choosing a voiceover artist
28:21 - Connecting your visual to your audio brand
29:38 - Finding audible representation for some objects in your visual brand
32:09 - Valuable thoughts on audio branding for different mediums
33:33 - How has the general culture taken to podcasting and audio branding?
34:22 - Making audio branding matter even with solopreneurs real estate investors, and other small businesses
36:16 - What to pay attention to when using accents and voice inflections
38:12 - The kind of emotional connection your audio branding creates
42:11 - A personal brand that struck her as obvious
45:12 - Favorite book where the author puts her money where her mouth is
45:30 - Podcast she loves to listen to
47:07 - Tools she adored using
48:43 - A quote she resonates with

Key Takeaways:

"You use audio to make an emotional connection. And we don't buy things based on logic; we buy based on emotion. So that's why it's so important in advertising and marketing and in just about everything you put out there." - Jodi Krangle

"You can know someone on social media for years, follow their posts, read about them, and exchange messages. But the minute that you have an actual voice conversation with them, you get to know that person so much better than you ever did, and those many years following them on social media." - Jodi Krangle

"It reaches us on such an emotional level. So I think that brands who are considering how they can make a deeper connection with their clients or their potential clients or their audience need to consider how we emotionally respond to stimuli. And audio is one of those things that just cut through everything." - Jodi Krangle

"The way that people understand advertising marketing is that consistent repetition really wins the day. If you're going to put together some kind of audio for your brand, have every video that you put out there, start with a certain sound or a certain little music piece." - Jodi Krangle

"Humans get sound; they just understand it on this deeper level. And it will give you an impression of who someone is on a really deep level very quickly." - Jodi Krangle