Why you've got to check out this episode:

Discover essential questions you can ask yourself to shake off the year 2021 completely, so you truly set your heart and mind and put your energy into 2022. Find out how you can have full closure of the year 2021 to move on and start anew for the year 2022. Learn how you can look forward to the new year with enthusiasm and focus for the future.

Have the holidays helped you truly say goodbye to the past year?

Or are you still dwelling on the past and thinking about 'what could have been' and 'what if'?

In this episode, Paul shares tips and insights on how you can leave behind the year's past with a happy heart, wipe out any trace of regret, and usher in new beginnings with joyful anticipation of what's to come ahead.

You can ask the same questions he asks himself, as the exercise can truly help one think through and fully say goodbye to 2021 and get prepared and focused on 2022.

Are you ready for 2022?

Get a head start with 12 questions to ask yourself over the holidays and get 2022 off to an awesome start.

Download here https://brand-checklist.ck.page/02dc100707

*This episode has been brought to you in part by Bluehost web hosting.

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Connect with Paul Copcutt:

reibranded.com LinkedIn Email: [email protected]

Music: Thank you to Zoax for the intro music.

*By clicking on the Bluehost link, I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. However, Bluehost is the web host I recommend to all my clients and use myself.