The talking shops of so-called Quran-alone Islam abound, but people largely seem to be engaged in a parlour game: endlessly discussing what they think the Quran means. But in real life, all too often people are choosing not to do business or make friends with other believers. In this talk, I share my thoughts on …

The post Real Believers Prefer Other Believers appeared first on QuraniteCast.

The talking shops of so-called Quran-alone Islam abound, but people largely seem to be engaged in a parlour game: endlessly discussing what they think the Quran means.

But in real life, all too often people are choosing not to do business or make friends with other believers.

In this talk, I share my thoughts on this situation.


O you who heed warning:

Take not your fathers and your brethren as allies if they prefer denial to faith.

And whoso among you takes them as allies:

These are the wrongdoers.

Say thou:

If your fathers

And your sons

And your brethren

And your wives

And your kindred

And the wealth you have acquired

And trade wherein you fear a decline

And dwellings with which you are pleased

Be dearer to you than God and his messenger and striving in his way

Then wait until God brings his command.

And God guides not the wantonly perfidious people.



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The post Real Believers Prefer Other Believers appeared first on QuraniteCast.