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Glory be to our Creator , the creator of the seven skies above us and the creator of our bodies , souls, the creator of life and death and the creator of the last day of judgment. These verses dear listeners are 12-17 from sura 23 The Believers Almouminoon المؤمنون . I am lost with words ; our creator is telling us how He Created us because some do not believe either in His existence , because they can’t see Him or because life is not fair. And yet in these verses He tells us , He is never unmindful of all His creations. He points to the stages of the creation of human and then He says there will be a day that all will get their payback on the day of judgment. So if you feel cheated by someone, or something was stolen or someone took something by force. There is a day that all will be paid back for everything they did. The good and bad. 🥰God Creator of everything I feel lost, sad and insignificant today please bless me , guide me, protect me with your light wisdom and blessings. I don’t have much but I have you Allah and you are definitely more than enough for me. 💐