Previous Episode: Be Kind, Customer Service
Next Episode: Handle with Care

Ever feel like a recipe sent you hunting for a dodo bird feather at your local grocery store? Trust us, it’s an adventure you'd want to avoid! Join Candi and Melody on this laugh-out-loud episode of Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises as we share our amusing pet peeves about cooking, starting with a hilarious takedown of TV chefs and their so-called "simple" recipes. We reminisce about our wild goose chases for bizarre ingredients and poke fun at how out of touch these shows can be. 

We then shift to a common frustration we all share: the never-ending quest for straightforward recipes online. From scrolling through life stories to battling intrusive ads, we discuss the struggle and celebrate the saving grace that is the "jump to recipe" button. You'll love our nostalgic trip down memory lane as we talk about our treasured Betty Crocker cookbook and the charm of handwritten recipes from our moms. Tune in as we contemplate a return to old-school cookbooks and even suggest hitting up Goodwill for hidden culinary gems. Don’t miss this delightful chat that’s sure to resonate with home cooks everywhere!