Previous Episode: Hildegard

Leaving the castle, Neal is ecstatic with freedom. The three of them make their way down the final hills, with Tory and Jeremy trying to ignore the babbling coming from Neal. At the last hill they're overtaken by Garten, King Delphic's Captain of the Guard, and captured.

King Delphic hears from his messenger that Jeremy, Tory and Neal are no longer on their way to help his son with the oxcart. The messenger wonders if the King is going too far in his quest to make the spell focused on keeping the kingdoms together.

Garten drags Tory, Jeremy and Neal from one Inn to the next, as he brings them closer to King Delphic. On his way he captures one other person, Jake, who turns out to be the man with the oxcart Tory and Jeremy were trying to help.