My Guest is Jacqueline Amaya-Garcia. She is Cultural Entrepreneur and Program Director to Cultural Bytes, Interactive Language Program offering Spanish, French & Mandarin for kids ages 4-12, in-person in Los Angeles and ONLINE. If you never heard about the concept of “Cultural entrepreneur,” you must listen to this conversation.

“Señora Jackie” started the Cultural Bytes INTERACTIVE LANGUAGE PROGRAM to make learning Spanish, French, and Mandarin fun and engaging for kids. Actively teaching toddlers to college students for over 30 years, she finally settled for elementary school students when she started her program in 2010. Beginning with a few schools for enrichment classes and a handful of camps, they grew their program to teach almost 300 kids per year! With the pandemic, they quickly and successfully adjusted to ONLINE classes in all three languages, offering ADULT classes. She mentioned, “There is a resurrection of all things language-related. Education and particularly, language learning is a fun industry with great teachers”. Also, she shares with me some of her struggles as an entrepreneur and some financial lessons along the way.

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Smart money intro

Traveler remix by Wildlight

Voice: Eva Hernandez

Podcast interview music background Bumbling by Pictures of Floating World