My Guest is Seth Erickson. Seth uses storytelling as a way of helping businesses, specifically startups. Here cognizes many Startups excel at building their tech and ideas but fall short when communicating their value to the world. Stats say 90% of startups fail. Seth’s vision is to reduce that dished art ending number by at least 10%. Enter Seth, who teaches these budding business owners one of the most effective communication methods. An art form that has been a part of humanity for as long as...well...humans—storytelling. Seth believes these entrepreneurs will prove their value to investors and the marketplace easier with his techniques. He has seen first and how incorporating storytelling can make a presentation and products and out and become memorable to investors and customers alike.

Check out the first chapter of his Book: How to Hack Humans. Storytelling for Startups here:

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Instagram - @originalsetherickson
Website –


Smart money intro

Traveler remix by Wildlight

Voice: Eva Hernandez

Podcast interview music background Bumbling by Pictures of Floating World