Big news dropped this week, as Mars announced their upcoming departure from sponsorship in the NASCAR Cup series, and we break it all down. Erik, filling in for Connor, and Ethan go over that, plus the new package set to come for the Cup Series in 2022. In segment 2, they come up with some gifts for drivers and Erik gives Ryan Newman a... helmet? So he can drive his couch? Trust me, he's just as confused about it as you. In segment 3, Ethan put together a highlights segment looking back on the year. Huge thanks to all of you listeners for making this a great year, and we can't wait to see what the future of the podcast looks like! Big thanks as well to all the drivers we had on, as well as Allen Bestwick, Ryan Daley, GOWEN, Erik, and Ramblin' about Racin'! Next episode will drop in January 6th, so have a happy holidays, everyone!

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