On the last episode of Quick News Daily during the Trump Administration, we go over a leaked memo detailing Biden's first actions as president, the vetting process for National Guard troops defending the Inauguration, and the MyPillow guy's legal troubles with Dominion Voting Systems.

UPDATE: the AP now reports that 12 National Guard members have been pulled due to their ties to right-wing terrorists. 

I also cover how it's questionable if Senator Josh Hawley is even legally a resident of the state he supposedly represents, and why you should #SimonSchusterBoycott (here's my tweet). Lastly, I cover the thuggish tactics that Ron DeSantis is *allegedly* using to silence Rebekah Jones.


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Some news organizations got access to an internal memo from Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain. The memo outlines what steps Biden will take in his first 10 days, so let’s go through those so you have an idea of what to expect. And by the way, I’m just going to play “The Twelve Days of Christmas” under this because when I was reading this in my head, I realized that’s what it sounded like.  

On his first day in office (Inauguration Day):

Biden will reverse the “Muslim Ban”
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accord
Ask the Department of Education to extend the current pause on student loan payments and interest
Issue a mask mandate both on federal property and when traveling between states (on public transportation, I’m sure).
Propose an immigration reform bill

On his second day in office:

Sign executive orders to fight the COVID crisis and help safely reopen schools and businesses

On his third day in office:

Biden will direct his cabinet agencies “to take immediate action to deliver economic relief to working families”, whatever that means.

In the next 7 days, Biden plans to take more executive actions on:

Criminal justice reform
Expanding access to healthcare
Providing support to communities of color and other underserved communities

He’ll also make moves to “restore dignity to our immigration system” and start trying to reunite families that were affected by Trump’s family separation policy.

Klain also said that more actions will be taken once they check with their legal counsels to make sure everything is sound in that respect.


U.S. defense officials say they are concerned about an insider ambush or other threat from service personnel who are supposed to be protecting the inauguration, leading the FBI to vet the event for all 25,000 National Guard soldiers coming to Washington. Finally! I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s realizing we have a huge problem with the police and military.

On Sunday, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told the AP that officials are aware of the possible danger, and he warned commanders to be on the lookout for any issues within their ranks. National Guard members are also getting training to help identify potential insider threats.

McCarthy and other leaders have said that they haven’t found any signs of risks so far, and officials said the vetting has not flagged any problems yet.

McCarthy and these military leaders went through a three-hour security drill on Sunday to prep for the Inauguration. There were as many as 36 of these military officials that participated in this training, along with even more National Guard officers and staff.

During the training, they went over every step of DC’s complicated security lockdown procedures. McCarthy and others kept firing pop quiz questions at them, asking how the troops would respond to various scenarios and how they would communicate with other law enforcement groups within the city.

Their main concern is the scenario where an armed group of people attack, especially if they have explosive devices with them. The scary thing is that McCarthy told the AP that the intelligence reports he’s seen suggest that there actually are groups that are organizing armed rallies around Inauguration Day.

To counter these potential attacks, the National Guard will, in fact, be armed. The Secretary said that they’ve been going through drills on when and how to use force, and how to work efficiently with law enforcement partners. According to McCarthy, this includes “constant mental repetitions of looking at the map and talking through scenarios with leaders so they understand their task and purpose, they know their routes, they know where they’re friendly, adjacent units are, they have the appropriate frequencies to communicate with their law enforcement partners.”

Just based on this article, I’m feeling pretty good about this McCarthy guy. He doesn’t seem to be messing around, he knows the importance of the day, and he even went so far as to say that “we want to send the message to everyone in the United States and for the rest of the world that we can do this safely and peacefully.” Man, I sure hope so. I hope this isn’t just all talk or like saying “the Titanic is unsinkable!”



According to Maggie Haberman of the New York Times, “Officials with Dominion Voting Systems have sent Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, a (cease-and-desist) letter warning him of pending litigation.” They’re doing this because he’s been lying as much as Rudy and Trump about their voting machines and how they’re responsible for massive fraud, yadda yadda yadda, you know the drill by now.

In the letter, Dominion called out Lindell by saying, “You have positioned yourself as a prominent leader of the ongoing misinformation campaign.”

I have to say, I’m not usually a huge fan of big companies, but I like how Dominion is taking no prisoners while defending themselves. They sued Sidney Powell for $1.3 billion, they’re going after Fox News and Newsmax, and after receiving a cease-and-desist letter of their own, \ some conservative outlet called the American Thinker got scared so bad that they printed this huge retraction that you have to hear to believe.

They start off the retraction by saying that these 4 writers of theirs published various articles that falsely accused Dominion of fraud. Then they really drop the hammer by saying,

“These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error.” 

Yikes. If you’re a right-wing outlet, and you get your readers to believe this BS, and then you completely admit that you lied to them, that means that you know you’re in deep doo-doo legally.




I have a lot of beef with our old friend, Josh Hawley. You know, the seditious traitor senator from Missouri? Well, as it turns out, “from Missouri” might not actually be appropriate for Josh.

You see, after hearing Rick Wilson mention it on his podcast, I looked it up on my own, and sure enough, Josh Hawley is officially registered to vote at his sister’s home in Missouri since he doesn’t have one. Hawley actually lives full-time in a $1.3 million house in Northern Virginia.

This is a big deal because similar incidents like this have caused other politicians to lose their seat or even face felony charges. It also just further shows how much of a hypocrite and horrible person Hawley really is.

Back in 2018, Hawley attacked his opponent, Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, for spending too much time in Washington. He even said “She flies over us in her private plane … to her luxury condo in D.C.”

The Editorial Board for the Kansas City Star really went after Josh, and I really couldn’t have done it better myself. They said (this is a long quote, but bear with me, it’s worth it), “But, leave it to our junior senator to turn this into yet another pretend instance of sneering elites unfairly roughing him up. When McCaskill, who always had a house in Missouri, also kept a place in D.C. while serving there, Hawley made that out to be evidence that she had become an out of touch elitist, of course. But now that he is being dinged for living in his D.C.-area home full time, that’s somehow an uppity attack on Everyman Josh Hawley — son of a banker and graduate of Stanford and Yale — for living in humble Ozark. Where he’s not actually living. Maybe this unvaried aria of resentment is just what America will be looking for in a president four years from now. But in case it’s not, Senator, you might want to at least try out some other material.” Ouch. I honestly don’t know if I can say anything else on the subject, that was brilliant.

I’m done with Josh on that subject, but there’s another one I have to talk about. The conservative publisher Regnery Publishing has agreed to pick up Hawley’s book and publish it after Simon & Schuster dropped it because of his traitorous attack.

Now, you might think I’m going to attack Regnery, but I’m not. They are who they are: a garbage publishing company.

Actually, I’ve got a bone to pick with Simon & Schuster. You see, they handle distribution and sales for Regnery titles in Canada and export markets around the world, so they only dropped the book when the spotlight was on them. They thought they could get away with distributing it quietly since it’s just overseas markets. Well, I don’t think they should be able to have fake morals and values. That’s why I’m going to ask you retweet a tweet of mine and use the hashtag “#SimonSchusterBoycott”. The link to that tweet is in the description of this episode, so that should take you right to Twitter to retweet it.


This story just makes me mad. It’s an update on Rebekah Jones. Jones is that former data person from Florida who created her own dashboard because the governor, Ron DeSantis, wasn’t letting her report accurate COVID numbers in her official position.

Last month, on December 7th, DeSantis was probably behind the raid on her house, which was conducted under the disguise of being for an investigation into an unauthorized email being sent out to state employees. They seized all of her things, but as I said back then, they left a lot of the stuff that they would have needed to prove that she sent the email, which pointed to the whole raid being a political hit to find out who her sources were and how she was getting the data.

Well, sometime between Friday and Saturday, Jones and some media outlets got word that there was going to be an arrest warrant issued against her, so she negotiated and eventually turned herself in on Saturday.

She was charged with a third-degree felony of “offenses against users of computers, computer systems, computer networks and electronic devices.” The Florida Department of Law Enforcement said that during that raid, they found evidence that she “illegally accessed the system sending a message to approximately 1,750 people and downloaded confidential FDOH data and saved it to her devices.”

The part that just infuriates me is that since being put in jail, Jones has tested positive for COVID. If she suffers any long-term effects from COVID, it’s all on DeSantis. This is clearly not justice, the punishment doesn’t fit the crime, it’s just a move to intimidate her. If you ask me, I think somebody should be investigating DeSantis for blatant abuse of power.



Smartwatches and fitness wearables can play a valuable role in the early detection of COVID-19, according to recent studies. Researchers from Mount Sinai have found that Apple Watch can detect minor changes in the heartbeat of a consumer that may mean that they have coronavirus a full week before they feel sick, as reported by CBS News. One company is now designing a custom wearable to detect COVID.

Overall, this could be another helpful way to detect asymptomatic carriers and let them know so that they stay home and don’t spread it anymore.

A similar study conducted by Stanford University where participants wearing Garmin, Fitbit, Apple and other trackers discovered that up to 9.5 days before the onset of symptoms, 81% of patients who tested positive for COVID saw changes in their resting heart rate.

Even without these special add-ons, a smartwatch or wearable could still be useful. Recently, the PGA Tour started using Whoop health trackers to monitor for COVID. One golfer, Nick Watney, thinks that this may have helped him realize that he was COVID positive before the test confirmed it.

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