Today on your favorite daily news podcast, we go take a small break from updates about the Capitol Insurrection fallout to talk about the other major issue in this country: COVID. Thankfully, it's mostly good news. 

Specifically, we'll look at the early tests of the Pfizer vaccine against the new COVID mutations from the UK and South Africa, then we'll talk about the crazy decrease in flu numbers for this year and why getting the flu shot will help you in the fight against the coronavirus.

However, we also have to talk about some bad news, which pertains to Curative, a major manufacturer of COVID tests, and the accuracy of those tests.

Lastly, I will still go over some new information about the Capitol Takeover. We'll take a look at the top 20 companies who have made donations to the congressmen and women who opposed certifying the election results, how much they donated, and what they've said about supporting these seditious politicians going forward.


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