Shay Lynch helps companies generate more profits through systems thinking. He is an author, recognised thought leader, listed in the top 50 most innovative companies in Ireland, and he has been on multiple judging panels choosing the best companies in Ireland.

He is an engineer by trade, building systems is what he does. Shay is a huge sports fan and always leverage systems thinking to systematically improve everything he does. And he has been lucky enough and honoured to represent Ireland.

Shay's 1st business was in renewable energy. They were doing really, until the global recession of 2008. What an introduction to business. It was then he learnt the power of systems thinking when applied to business. He and his partner turned that business around and he sold his shares. Now he teaches companies the same skills that the developed in his own business. He has built a reputation on being honest and over delivering.

He has engaged with large multinationals like - Boston Scientific / J&J / SanDisk and Indigenous financial institutions but he finds nothing more satisfying than helping small businesses succeed. The thing is, he uses the same formula, the only difference being application and scale.

Through his own experiences and that of my clients, he knows most of the mistakes that should avoid be avoided.

He blogs regularly through media like Business and Finance and the feedback is clear that his process can truly help.

People believe consultant support is a cost not a value service. He is here to say that it is an investment. There is a formula and help doesn't have to cost you absorbent consulting fees. You don't have to be technical to get results and his mission is to share this formula and support Entrepreneurs on their journey.

Find Shay @

[email protected]