Happy Easter! What mascot would you choose to replace the Easter Bunny and what would it leave behind?

Picture this: You're trudging through your daily routine, feeling the weight of boredom settling in. Suddenly, a friend bursts in and whispers, "I've found it – the antidote to all boredom!" Enter Questions and Absurdities, your gateway to a world where laughter is abundant, and imagination is just a conversation away.

In this fantastical realm, our podcast reigns supreme, offering a refuge from the mundane and a playground for the curious mind. Join our triumvirate hosts, Ryan, Jordan, & Duncan, as we embark on a journey through the labyrinth of thought, navigating twists and turns that challenge convention and ignite the imagination.

But here's the twist – we're not just here to entertain. We're on a mission to awaken your inner creativity and inspire you to see the world through a different lens. With every episode, we invite you to join the conversation, to share your thoughts and ideas, and to embrace the joy of exploration.

So, don your thinking caps and prepare for an adventure like no other.

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