Sarah Bowen and Merle van den Akker interview Nurit Nobel on how behavioural science is applied in both academia and industry, and why she decided to go back into academia, doing her PhD, whilst having a very successful career in industry!Nurit has 10+ years of experience in marketing and strategy consulting working with top Swedish and international companies. After years of applying her knowledge in human insight to increase demand for brands and services, she became curious in how it can be used for higher-level purposes, which lead her to pursue a PhD at Stockholm School of Economics. Her experience made her aware of how failures to take behavioural factors into account often lead to ineffective results, which she explores in her research and applied work with Impactually, of which she is the co-founder and CEO!

Finding Nurit

Twitter (@nuritnobel):



Links to ImpactuallyNurit and Dr. Christina Gravert’s behavioural science consultancy company





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