Previously, Luca and Sully went to the Crimini City Gym to sign Luca up for the Fighting Tournament and gather information. After checking into a hotel room, Sully decided to stay behind and attempt to establish herself as a double agent. As night comes, Pearl and Luca may be getting ready to settle in, but Detective Reynolds won't be getting much sleep tonight. What will Reynolds discover as he explores beneath the city streets? Will he find out what Sully has been up to this afternoon? And will Reynolds and Louis ever get to just hang out??

DM: Jonah M. Jackson

Pearl: Sarah Katherine Zanotti


FoolBoyMedia - Video Game Land

Insaneintherainmusic - Pokémon League (Day), Galactic Eterna Building

Braxton Burks & Materia Collective - Team Rocket Hideout, The Red Chain

Zame - Looker’s Theme Remastered

Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen - The Detective, Mitch the Snitch

Aaron Kenny - The Black Cat

Farrell Wooten - The Tall Man

More than Family - Young Detective

White Drift - Operator

Got Jax - Radio Graffiti

Dream Cave - First on the Scene - Secret Facility, Lively Café, Dome City Center, Candledeep, Shopping Mall, 60s Computer Lab, Noir Procedural