Previously, Pearl and Luca left Spudnik and decided to spend a bit more time exploring the Misty Isle. After getting slapped by a fish and catching some new Pokémon friends, they left the island to finally head home and go to bed. But with the door to the cottage mysteriously unlocked, things may not be as peaceful as they seem. What's going on inside the Salvatore lake house? Are the Lake Bois safe inside? Could this personal day be any less restful??

DM: Jonah M. Jackson

Pearl: Sarah Katherine Zanotti


FoolBoyMedia - Video Game Land, Dramatic Scroller

GlitchxCity - Team Rocket Hideout Remix, Team Rocket Battle Remix v. I & II, Hoenn Gym Leader Remix, Diamond and Pearl Cyrus Battle Remix, Red and Blue Lavender Town Remix v. II, Sinnoh Gym Leader Battle Remix, Johto Ice Path Remix

Visager - Eerie Mausoleum, Miniboss Fight, Dark Sanctum Boss Fight, Sunset Over the Treetops  - Lakeside Camp, Mansion: Night, Existential Dread, Shadowfell, Hermit Hut, Ghost Town, Quiet Cove