Middle Grade Author Meera Trehan joins Queries, Qualms, & Quirks this week to discuss setting a contract with yourself for writing time, the ups and downs of writing conferences, finding friends through writing contests, harsh query rejections, leaving an agent, struggling with titles, how her greatest fear was her greatest strength, and using the waiting time to work on your craft.

Meera Trehan grew up in Virginia where she read as much as she could, memorized poems, and ate enough cookies to earn the nickname “Monster” after the Cookie Monster. After attending the University of Virginia and Stanford Law School, she practiced law for over a decade before turning to writing for children. Her debut, the MG novel THE VIEW FROM THE VERY BEST HOUSE IN TOWN came out from Walker US/Candlewick in February 2022.

Meera: Query | Website | Twitter | Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound | Libro FM

Story by Robert McKee
Steering the Craft by Ursula K Le Guin
Tackling a Multi-POV Query Letter from Kimberly Vale 

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