At one time, dry rosé from the South of France was one of the most popular wine categories in America. Then the dreaded White Zinfandel epidemic swept across the land: Like the plague during the Middle Ages, it destroyed everything in its path, obliterating good taste much as the plague wiped out human lives. After […]

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At one time, dry rosé from the South of France was one of the most popular wine categories in America. Then the dreaded White Zinfandel epidemic swept across the land: Like the plague during the Middle Ages, it destroyed everything in its path, obliterating good taste much as the plague wiped out human lives. After a while, serious wine drinkers didn’t want to be caught drinking pink wine in public, for fear that others would think it was White Zinfandel ; of course, White Zinfandel drinkers didn’t want dry rosé either, because it wasn’t sweet enough.

Dry rosé became one of the Rodney Dangerfield wine categories, shunned by almost everyone. In the past five years it had made a miraculous comeback, enjoying growth of 30-40% per year. Mark looks at the styles of dry rosé, along with the leading producers and popular food pairings. On Bizarre Beverage News, Mark surveys a trio of stories: new research detailing the effect of alcohol on your waistline; a winemaker in Croatia who can no longer call his dessert wine Prosek, because the EU is afraid someone might confuse it with Prosecco; a Virginia winemaker who was arrested for making sixty-seven cents worth of Grappa, and charged with a felony.


Provence Rosé—Link to:

Iconic Spirits: An Intoxicating History—Link to:

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