What impacts our physical, mental, political, and emotional wellbeing, and shapes the path forward for our LGBTQIA+/Queer communities? Representation.

We know that having healthy, diverse, and accessible queer representation can make a world of a difference for LGBTQIA+/Queer youth, and truly queer communities of all ages. Of course, not all representation is positive and the consequences of poor representation can be devastating. No matter what form it takes, and regardless of its quality, representation (or the lack thereof) is a powerful force that needs to be understood and cultivated. 

 To discuss representation, host Siena Iwasaki Milbauer (she/her) is joined by Kohana Wilson (they/them) and Nana Aforo (he/him). This trio of queer creatives brings their perspectives as creators and consumers of representation to the table as they discuss the representation that has shaped them, the representation that has let them down, what it feels like to become empowered to create your own representation as an artist, and what kinds of representation they want to see and create in the future. 


Follow and support this episode’s guests and their amazing art: Kohana Wilson on Instagram@floralgunk, Nana Aforo on Instagram@nanayawaforoand on soundcloud under the name “Lines of Hour”. You can also follow host Siena Iwasaki Milbauer on Instagram @s_iwasaki_milbauer

If you are interested in learning more about LGBTQIA+/Queer representation, visit the episode webpage for a list of resources that were the most illuminating and interesting to host Siena Iwasaki Milbauer as she put together this episode.

Episode Credits

Music Credits: Queering Community Health Theme by Becs (on Instagram@beckyfuckingarts), Flavour byWataboi from Pixabay