This episode of Queering Community Health is about the importance of queer chosen families. Three close friends, Kelly, Maya, and Xochitl express vulnerability by describing their experience living in unsupportive households. Through the process of growing up and embracing queer identities, these friends were able to redefine their concept of family.

Machismo = “Machismo is a socially constructed, learned, and reinforced set of behaviors comprising the content of male gender roles in Latino society” (De La Cancela, 1986, p. 291). In simple terms, machismo is a form of masculine ideology within Latino communities. - Marilyn Valenciano 

“Y el novio”= and the boyfriend?

 "Mujer”= woman


Land Acknowledgements are not just a statement, it is work: tune in to Call her Aunty Podcast episode 77, “What’s in a Land Acknowledgement?” and “Moving beyond Acknowledgements” by Student Affairs NOW  Native Lights: Where Indigenous Voices Shine, Minnesota Native News  (spotify, apple, radio public, RSS) Native Minnesota with Rebecca Crooks-Stratton (Soundcloud, Spotify) Listen to “Indigequeer” by All My Relations Podcast and check out their other episodes! “To be Black, Indigenous, and Queer” by Tu-un Dali and check out their other episodes! Text your address to 907-312-5085 to find out which Indigenous lands you're living on or visiting or visit 


Clinic 555: confidential, low-cost health services for adults and teens. 651-266-1255. 

Face to Face Health & Counseling: health services for youth 11-24 years old.  651-772-5555. 

Family Tree Clinic: affordable and respectful sexual health care and education for LGBTQ individuals. 612-473-0800. 

Rainbow Health: A healthy sex life includes knowing the basics about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Also mental health services for LGBTQ folks. (800) 248-2437.

Latitudes: facility designed to meet the specific substance abuse and mental health needs of the LGBTQ community. 612-454-2016

RECLAIM: Mental Health support for queer and trans youth. 612-235-6743. 


Trans Lifeline: For any trans person in crisis of any kind, the Trans Lifeline runs a national hotline staffed by trans people for trans people. 877- 565- 8860. 

The Trevor Project: National crisis line and counseling for LGBTQ youth. 24 hour crisis hotline: 866-488-7386. Text “Trevor” to 202-304-1200 or chat online.


Safe Zone: Serves low income youth facing homelessness, lack of preventative healthcare and other challenges. 651-224-9644

Avenues for Youth-GLBT Host Home Program: provides emergency shelter, short-term housing and supportive services in a safe and nurturing environment. 612-968-1672


Out for Equity: A Saint Paul School District program that strives to maintain a safe and welcoming school environment. 651-603-4972


PFLAG Twin Cities: parents, families, and friends of LGBTQ+ support in the Metro Areas 612-825-1660