In this episode of QueerHustle, Michelle sits down with web developer and entrepreneur, Danielle Zarcaro. Danielle is the founder of Paperback Web Development, an organization that helps agencies, large & small businesses, and entrepreneurs get her clients on track, build websites and landing pages, and make website updates. Michelle and Danielle discuss the personal growth and self-discovery journey that often accompanies entrepreneurship, the importance of being well-represented as a queer business owner and the value of showing up as you are. 


What We Covered:


01:01– Introducing today’s guest, Danielle Zarcaro, who shares her entrepreneurial origin story, the importance of accountability and their stance on napping 

09:04 – Danielle shares her experience of personal growth and self-discovery as an entrepreneur 

11:19 – Advice Danielle would give to aspiring queer entrepreneurs 

15:20 – Danielle provides her thoughts on the value of being a queer entrepreneur and working and collaborating with other queer businesses 

16:49 – What it means for Danielle to be a leader in the web development industry 

18:49 – Danielle and Michelle speak about their shared experience as queer entrepreneurs and why it’s important that they are well represented 

23:43 – What Danielle would tell to those considering entrepreneurship but are slightly intimidated 


Tweetable Quotes:


“It just feels so freeing to be able to make my own decisions about how I live my life and to be able to provide that to other people.” (03:21) (Danielle)

“I think it’s really cool that it [entrepreneurship] can become this vehicle to explore yourself and dictate direction and make decisions.” (10:02) (Danielle)

“If you’re your own boss, you sort of get to explore yourself in a way that is authentic to you.” (13:25) (Danielle)

“It’s just empowering to be able to say, ‘Here’s what I am and here’s what I’m doing. You can like it or not but you don’t have to work with me if you don’t want to.’” (14:25) (Danielle)

“I didn’t go into business because I’m queer and didn’t feel like I had an outlet. But how awesome would it be if I get to have relationships with a bunch of queer businesses? That would be so cool. And it’s not something you can control if you don’t run your own business.” (15:42) (Danielle)

“I’m not necessarily shy. I don’t call myself shy. I’m introverted. I absorb. I observe and I take in all the data of what’s happening around me, and then I contribute when I want to contribute.” (17:30) (Danielle) 


Links Mentioned:


Danielle’s LinkedIn

Danielle’s Instagram

Paperback Web Development Facebook

Paperback Web Development Website

Michelle’s Website