Have you ever wondered how Queer Theology started? In today’s episode, we walk down memory lane as we answer a […]

The post Walking Through the Dark Valley – Psalm 23 appeared first on Queer Theology.

Have you ever wondered how Queer Theology started? In today’s episode, we walk down memory lane as we answer a question from Brandon. We take you on a journey on how it all began, what was the main objective when we created Queer Theology.

We queer Psalm 23 which is a bonus text. It’s also very meaningful for us because this is the first text that we covered as the first episode of Queer Theology podcast. Moreover, this text is a listener’s request from Morgan, and also a lectionary text for the week.

Stay tuned and enjoy today’s podcast.

In this episode, we talk about:

shout out to Amy who joined 2 months ago [5:10]
a listener question from Brandon about how Fr. Shay and Brian started Queer Theology [5:35]
how the name Queer Theology and its work started out [7:00]
our goals and how they came to be [8:50]
“Queer Theology is good news for straight cisgender folks as well.” [11:35]
we queer a bonus text — a listener requested text [14:00]
US feels like a dark valley [16:33]
A caution against reading this text as “we’re saved, but screw everyone else” [18:40]
food for thought: this passage is not for everyone all the time [20:00]
grace and forgiveness [21:34]

If you want to support the Patreon and help keep the podcast up and running, you can learn more and pledge your support at patreon.com/queertheology

If you’d like to be featured in future episodes, email your question or Bible passage suggestion to [email protected] 

Link(s) mentioned in this episode:

Introducing Queer Theology’s Weekly Bible Podcast – Psalm 23

Queer the Bible Waitlist: queertheology.com/queerbible

Can Straight Peole Queer Theology?


Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd.

    I lack nothing.

He lets me rest in grassy meadows;

    he leads me to restful waters;

    he keeps me alive.

He guides me in proper paths

    for the sake of his good name.


Even when I walk through the darkest valley,

    I fear no danger because you are with me.

Your rod and your staff—

    they protect me.


You set a table for me

    right in front of my enemies.

You bathe my head in oil;

    my cup is so full it spills over!

Yes, goodness and faithful love

    will pursue me all the days of my life,

    and I will live in the Lord’s house

    as long as I live.

Photo by Michael Mouritz

The post Walking Through the Dark Valley – Psalm 23 appeared first on Queer Theology.