This week, we have a special episode of the Queer Theology podcast: our first ever live episode! Brian was at the Q Christian Fellowship Conference in Chicago, IL a few weeks ago to speak about polyamory on a panel about Christian sexual ethics (the very first openly polyamorous speaker at QCF and the first time […]

The post LIVE from Q Christian Fellowship Conference with Sarah Ngu of Church Clarity – Acts 17:26-27 appeared first on Queer Theology.

This week, we have a special episode of the Queer Theology podcast: our first ever live episode! Brian was at the Q Christian Fellowship Conference in Chicago, IL a few weeks ago to speak about polyamory on a panel about Christian sexual ethics (the very first openly polyamorous speaker at QCF and the first time polyamory was addressed from during an official workshop!)

He was also invited to record Queer Theology live from the first-ever Brian M. Eckstein Podcast Stage. Sarah Ngu joined to discuss queerness, how we understand faith and the Bible, how we approach conversations of “is it OK to be LGBTQ?,” race and culture, implications queerness has on our faith journeys, one of Sarah’s favorite Bible passages, and so much more.

Learn more about Church Clarity and their work to score churches on their clarity around actively enforced policies regarding LGBTQ people and women in leadership at If you want to connect with Sarah or Church Clarity, email [email protected].

Acts 17:26-27

From one ancestor he made all nations to inhabit the whole earth, and he allotted the times of their existence and the boundaries of the places where they would live, so that they would search for God and perhaps grope for him and find him—though indeed he is not far from each one of us.

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The post LIVE from Q Christian Fellowship Conference with Sarah Ngu of Church Clarity – Acts 17:26-27 appeared first on Queer Theology.