The Bible has a few accounts of Jesus’s birth and the differences in the stories, plus the context in which they were originally told, can tell us some important things about the life, ministry, and legacy of Jesus. In this episode, we explore the story of Jesus’s birth then and what it means for our […]

The post Jesus’s Birth: Then & Now appeared first on Queer Theology.

The Bible has a few accounts of Jesus’s birth and the differences in the stories, plus the context in which they were originally told, can tell us some important things about the life, ministry, and legacy of Jesus. In this episode, we explore the story of Jesus’s birth then and what it means for our lives today.

Mentioned in this episode:

Mary, the Fierce Mother of God
Sanctuary Collective
The First Christmas

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Photo by Ben White

The post Jesus’s Birth: Then & Now appeared first on Queer Theology.