It. Is. HERE! Y’all, we are at our 500th podcast episode and it just so happens to also coincide with […]

The post 10 Years and 500 Episodes appeared first on Queer Theology.

It. Is. HERE! Y’all, we are at our 500th podcast episode and it just so happens to also coincide with our 10 year anniversary of! (a whole decade!! ) Over the last couple months we’ve been anticipating this as a pretty incredible milestone and we’re so excited to celebrate 500 episodes of queer joy, queer spirituality, and community!

For this episode, we reflect on what life was like a decade ago, what it is like now, and our hopes for the next 10 years. We’ve got some of our friends joining us to share their experiences too, you might recognize some of their voices as past guests on the podcast. We hope you’ll join us in looking back at the progress we’ve made, celebrating where we are at, and joining us in the work that’ll shape the next decade!

Join the online community Sanctuary Collective.

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The post 10 Years and 500 Episodes appeared first on Queer Theology.