What are the most affordable, LGBTQ+ friendly cities in the United States?

On this Queer Money, we're taking a break from our usual look at individual states. We wanted to share the next top 10 most affordable, LGBTQ+ friendly cities from the second 25 states we’ve covered from Alabama to Missouri.

All of these cities scored a 100 on the Human Rights Campaigns Municipal Equality Index.

So, for this list our focus is on the city-level cost of living, the US Census data on incomes and Zillow's data on housing and rent prices.

Get the dynamic list of Affordable LGBTQ+ Friendly Cities in the U.S. here. Watch this episode on YouTubeWatch last week's episode on YouTubeDon't miss the other states we've covered in this Gay Cities series

Past episodes mentioned in this video:

381: The Series Kick Off465: Georgia445: Maryland459: Illinois455: Iowa477: Arkansas451: Kentucky

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