Dr Catriona Walsh helps people suffering from toxicity caused by MRI contrasts. Using diet, lifestyle and supplements, she helps them recover their health.

Dr. Walsh is a graduate of Cambridge University, England, and Queen's University, Belfast. She practiced pediatric medicine for a decade and a half. While working as a consultant pediatrician, she developed a fascination with nutrition and lifestyle, and how they can improve the health of people suffering from chronic illness.

Her experiences with chronic ill health led to a diagnosis of hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS). EDS is an inherited connective tissue disorder. During investigations for hEDS, Dr Walsh had a contrast MRI. She still suffers the toxic side effects.

Following her experiences with MRI contrast toxicity, Dr Walsh authored the book:

Contrasts: More than meets the MRI –
Demystifying the Devastating Damage Due to Gadolinium Contrasts and Some Natural Steps You Can Take to Reverse Those Dreadful Effects Using Diet and Lifestyle

She now works as a Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach with people from all over the world.

Mollie Brewer is an advocate against Gadolinium contrast agents. After she had a contrast MRI to diagnose a brain tumor, her health went downhill fast. She had multiple scans and became bed bound. She recently found a chelator that has helped her tremendously called NBMI. She is now working to restart her life before Gadolinium took it away.

She runs the website mridye.com. Her website is a great source of information for anyone looking to learn more.


Dr. Walsh’s Website: https://thefoodphoenix.co.uk

Dr. Walsh’s Facebook Group: http://facebook.com/thefoodphoenix/

Buy Dr. Walsh’s Book:

Mollie’s Website: www.mridye.com

Mollie’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/HrsQuiet

Paper Mollie Mentioned: https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/abs/10.1148/radiol.2019190461

First Steps after a contrast MRI: https://www.mridye.com/steps.html

Gadolinium Toxicity Website: https://gadoliniumtoxicity.com/

Gadolinium Debate: https://www.itnonline.com/article/debate-over-gadolinium-mri-contrast-toxicity

NBMI Chelation Info: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/11/mark-sircus/dr-boyd-haleys-super-glutathione-molecule/

Homepage: www.quaxpodcast.com

Music by Jenny Jahlee from Live at KBOO

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