👋 Hey! Thanks for checking out the GoingVC Podcast: Uncovering new paths into VC, diving deeper into alternative models, and addressing areas of weakness every second Monday with Austin and JJ MacLean (@jjmaclean) from the GoingVC team. 

We're really excited to be bringing to you today our conversation with John Gannon cofounder of GoingVC. As always, if you've got any questions, feedback, guest ideas, or just want to say hey, don't hesitate to shoot us a message at [email protected]!

Episode Chapters:

Introduction — 0:00
John’s Origin Story — 1:30
It All Ends Up Fitting Together — 7:30
Writing For Yourself — 12:04
Founding GoingVC — 19:58
Supporting A Diverse Ecosystem — 24:15
Closing Thoughts — 33:40