The Copt Massacre - An extraordinary response. - A message to those who kill us (Fr. Boules George)

Syrian Bombing


African migrants sold in Libya 'slave markets'

IOM - The UN Migration Agency - IOM Learns of 'Slave Market' Conditions Endangering Migrants in North Africa


Sex for Rent
BBC - Landlord adverts posted online 'target young for sex'

Prep HIV Drug
BBC - NHS Scotland to fund 'game-changer' Prep HIV drug
Pink News - Victoria Australia announces extra $100k for PrEP funding

Funding abortion propaganda

Daily Mail - Fury as pro-choice activist is handed £500,000 of taxpayers' cash to write a book on abortion


Peter Singer - rape of disabled might be ok
Current Affairs - Now Peter Singer Argues That It Might Be Okay To Rape Disabled People

End of Gender specific awards
BBC - Is it time to scrap gender specific awards?
Breastfeeding unnatural

The American Conservative - Rod Dreher: Now Breastfeeding Is Unnatural?

The Wee Flea - Is the Benedict Option the Best Option for Today’s Church?
University Essays marked down

The Telegraph - University students told essays will be marked down if they fail to use 'gender-sensitive' language


Prof. Dr Jordan Peterson defunded
National Post - ‘An opportunity to make their displeasure known’: Pronoun professor denied government grant

Scottish University Freedoms
Herald Scotland - University freedoms are at risk, say critics

The Reformation
The Christian Institute - Mike Reeves: Tyndale and the Early Reformers