1) Bishop Curry and Bishop Love –   

2) Prince Harry - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8101153/Prince-Harrys-Russian-pranksters-fooled-discussing-fictional-island-smoking-cannabis.html


3) Coronavirus -


4) Trevor Phillips - BBC –

5) Piers Morgan and Lisa Nandy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=7cf5JuJ-tdg&feature=emb_logo

6) Polygamy - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0863934?xtor=ES-211-%5B30470_PANUK_NLT_10_SCO_ACT_0-6Months_SportRelief2020%5D-20200309-%5Bbbctwo_trigonometry_dramarelationshipsromance%5D 

7) MSNBC and NYT Maths – 


8) Tom Holland and A C Grayling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGNE5HzNgfo&feature=youtu.be 

9) Born in Chains..


 I was born in chains but I was taken out of Egypt
I was bound to a burden, but the burden it was raised
Lord I can no longer keep this secret
Blessed is the name, the name be praised

I fled to the edge of a mighty sea of sorrow
Pursued by the riders of a cruel and dark regime
But the waters parted and my soul crossed over
Out of Egypt, out of Pharaoh's dream

Word of words and the measure of all measures
Blessed is the name, the name be blessed
Written on my heart in burning letters
That's all I know, I cannot read the rest


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