1) Ukraine -  https://www.spectator.co.uk/2019/03/in-ukraines-presidential-elections-life-is-imitating-netflix/


2) Theybies and Childism -






3) Moral Maze – Puritanism –- https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0003jj5 



Coeercice and Controlling behaviour - https://twitter.com/scotgov/status/1112655845525995520?s=12

5) New Zealand

- https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2019/03/is-new-zealand-really-such-a-tolerant-country/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_content=The%20best%20of%20Coffee%20House%3A%2030%20March&utm_campaign=Best_of_Coffee_House

 6) Unplanned - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/watch-trailer-released-for-unplanned-movie-about-abby-johnsons-pro-life-con?utm_content=buffer3397e&utm_medium=WCDM%2BBuffer&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=WCDM&fbclid=IwAR1kc2QVFi3vINN5x-XGJoQ7ZgkWjBDvdzgK0BTjQLTz3fTcpyslOAAqHxc

7) Restriction on science –

- https://quillette.com/2019/04/01/activists-must-stop-harassing-scientists/

Pseudo Science - https://www.spectator.co.uk/2019/03/lying-with-science-a-guide-to-myth-debunking/ 

8) Melvin Bragg – Unbelievable – https://www.premierchristianradio.com/Shows/Saturday/Unbelievable/Episodes/Unbelievable-Why-William-Tyndale-s-Bible-changed-the-world-Melvyn-Bragg-and-Ben-Virgo?fbclid=IwAR1gG6Qfm2TMYv5kcR2IEIwV3nsY396Ettlqtur1P6O41RhIfVW9x4CeW7o

9) Difference between Americans and British – the Cure - https://twitter.com/stormhuntley/status/1112344763049615361?s=12 

“Road unsafe when this sign is under water” (US sign). 

Robin Aitken – The Noble Liar – “ our ruling elite in Britain– the politicians, lawyers, academics and media people – view the current state of affairs as a positive thing;”we have banished superstition”, they say, rejoicing at the thought; but there remains a sceptical minority who look at the society brought into being by this type of thinking and see little to admire. The liberal hegemony has created an unhappy society which doesn’t really know what it believes in. And whether you are a supporter of the current orthodoxy or not, here is one thing you can rely on: it is not permanent. The qualities that make Christianity a force to be reckoned with– the truth that wins human hearts and compels belief – will not change, and will go on winning converts to its banner. In the coming years, who is to say whether the old beliefs will not triumph again over the arid fictions of our current noble lie?”







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