|1| Aretha Franklin.

|2| Predator Priests.

|3| Canadian Euthanasia. 

|4| Freedom of Expression. 

|5| Vicky Beeching on sin. 

|6| The Greek Debt Crisis. 


Aretha Franklin

BBC - Obituary: Aretha Franklin


Predator Priests

RebelPriest - Homosexual predators, not paedophile priests, are Church’s deadly cancer

Reddit  - Summary of Pennsylvania Predator Priest Activity


Canadian Euthanasia

National Review - Canadian Hospital Pushes Euthanasia on Disabled Patient

CTV News - Chronically ill man releases audio of hospital staff offering assisted death

Freedom of Expression

Rowan Atkinson on Freedom of Speech 

Vicky Beeching on sin

BBC Radio 2 - Jeremy Vine 

The Greek Debt Crisis

BBC - End of Greek bailouts offers little hope to young