David Robertson picks his way through the links and threads that tie all these topics together...

The New Fascism.
The New Judge?
Same Sex Marriage in the Churches of Norway and England.
Transgender Reversion.
UK Parliament votes to begin Article 50 Brexit negotiations.
Tam Dayell.
The Doomsday Clock.
Euthenasia murder.
Anti-Theist murder.


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The New Fascism.

The Guardian - When they go low, going high is not enough – video

CNN - Berkeley: '150 masked agitators' ahead of Milo Yiannopoulos talk


 The new Judge? Gorsuch, abortion and the danger of confirmation bias in world views

BBC World News - Neil Gorsuch: The man who could shape American law for decades

BBC News - Trump picks Neil Gorsuch as nominee for Supreme Court

Desiring God- http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/wise-women-build

Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell interviewed on Fox News about SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch and abortion.



Same Sex Marriage in the Churches of Norway and England
Archbishop Cranmer - House of Bishops upholds canon law: marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman
Pink News - Church of Norway approves same-sex-inclusive liturgy
 BBC Radio 4  - Today Programme 26th January 2017

Transgender Reversion

The Telegraph - Don't call pregnant women 'expectant mothers' as it might offend transgender people, BMA says 

Mercatornet - Transgender identities are not always permanent - A man who lived as a woman for years shares his traumatic experience - Walt Heyer

UK Parliament votes to begin Article 50 Brexit negotiations

Tam Dayell - His basic principles

The Doomsday Clock

Christian Today - As Doomsday Draws Near And The Devil Seeks To Swallow Us Up, The Only Answer Is In Jesus

Trump's Ban

TheWeeFlea.com - Donald Trump, the American Immigration Crisis and the Hummus Revolution


Euthenasia murder
The Telegraph - Panel clears Dutch doctor who asked family to hold patient down as she carried out euthanasia procedure

The Daily Mail - Female Dutch doctor drugged a patient's coffee then asked her family to hold her down as she fought not to be killed - but did not break the country's euthanasia laws


 Anti-Theist Murders Christian
TheLocal.de - 'Antitheist' given life sentence for killing Christian flatmate over religion
Christian Today - Christian Woman Stabbed To Death By Man Who Called Himself An 'Anti-Theist,' Someone Opposed To All Religions