Customer value is the most valuable asset of any company. Your customers and the value you’ve delivered to them is the reason they're customers. How do you make enterprise customer value management a reality? Listen as Justin Michael, Vendor Neutral’s Futurist speaks with Jim Berryhill, DecisionLink’s Evangelist about moving beyond traditional ROI calculators, developing the ability to scale on anything, and four opportunities for massive growth in Customer Value Management. 

About Our Guest:

<a href="">Jim Berryhill</a> is the Chief Evangelist & Co-Founder of <a href="">DecisionLink</a>. Jim spent over 30 years in enterprise software sales and sales management, leading high-performance teams at ADR, CA, Siebel Systems, and HP Software with a focus on value selling. He founded DecisionLink with a vision to make Customer Value a strategic, competitive asset by delivering the first enterprise-class platform for Value Management. Jim is a graduate of the University of Georgia, resides in Atlanta with his wife Elise, and has 2 children and 3 grand-children.