Pa'Ris'Ha and the Quantum Leap Book Club Co-Hosts continue their discussion of "Code to Joy: The Four-Sep Solution To Unlocking Your Natural State of Happiness" by George Pratt, Ph.D. and Peter Lambrou Ph.D., Chapter 3, pages 77-105.

The Flea and the Elephant... or can we say Covid-19 and life hereafter. Our hosts explore why it is that no matter how determined our conscious mind might be, all the fears surrounding us today are really impacting the choices of how we live. So how do we cope and move forward while we have a fearsome elephant occupying our emotional intelligence? Tune in and learn practical tools to bring peace and happiness to the forefront each day. Join Pa'Ris'Ha and her international team of Co-Hosts next week as they begin this new adventure with Chapters 4 of Code To Joy.