The Anunnaki Chronicles edited by Janet Sitchin The Sudden Civilization, Chapter 2, Part From over 25,000 clay tablets in the library of Ninevah in Mesopotamia (including dictionaries), we have learned much of Sumeria and the 'firsts' they accomplished. At the base of so much of our civilization, we are still Sumerians. Digging from 1877 to 1933 in just one location, archaeologists discovered much about the ancient Sumerians in this royal city known as Lagash. What started it all? The god, next to his 'divine bird' had given instructions for temple building, which spurred people into great achievements. Writing, printing, mathematics, brick making, kilns for clay bricks, the age of metals all began here. The petroleum products this region is still known for provided energy, roads, and more. How is it that the Sumerians developed advanced medicine, textiles and clothing, agriculture, cuisine, and beer making. Was it the Anunnaki economy that relied on transportation on land and water, writing, and a well educated populace? Join us as Pa'Ris'Ha and the international co-hosts of the Quantum Leap Book Club learn more of mankind's ancient extraterrestrial origins in "The Anunnaki Chronicles