Vikram and Faizaan talk with Adiraj Gupta, of the Crypto Launchpad, a crypto investment bank. We learn what exactly a crypto investment bank is and how they built $20 million in management in just 6 months. We also discuss how friendly New Zealand regulators are towards crypto, how family offices are getting into crypto, and what the OTC or over-the-counter market looks like for Bitcoin.


What the Family Office Conference is all about What Crypto Launchpad is and how it works Their internal diligent process when taking a client on His background and how he got involved in the space Where he sees the whole capital formation idea heading Countries they are operating in right now Their current state of diligence research Exchanges they are working with Challenges they are currently experiencing What their scaling plans are Key factors involved when analysing an ICO (initial coin offering) Risks they are taking on from a legal standpoint How much is structural versus technical in terms of diligence How he thinks the diligent process will change as schemes get more sophisticated How he sees his business progressing His thoughts on the OTC (over-the-counter) market Other projects he’s looking into How people can get in touch with him


Crypto LaunchPad





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