Sanctions against Pokemon Go has been lifted, just in time for all those people not playing it anymore, A speedrunner of N64 hit Goldeneye just broke an inconceivable record. You could say he is the man with the golden run. You could say he beat the clock-tapussy. Its great to see the timefall, The old record holder is now known as Dr. Slow.

Twitch streamer streams UFC PPV illegally, looks like he’ll be getting taken down faster than Aldo in the third round.

Sanctions against Pokemon Go has been lifted, just in time for all those people not playing it anymore,

A speedrunner of N64 hit Goldeneye just broke an inconceivable record. You could say he is the man with the golden run. You could say he beat the clock-tapussy. Its great to see the timefall. The old record holder is now known as Dr. Slow,

Twitch streamer streams UFC PPV illegally, looks like he’ll be getting taken down faster than Aldo in the third round.

Quality Community

PokemonGo Ordinance Struck Down

UFC Fight Sneakily Restreamed

New "Impossible" Speedrun Record for Golden Eye

False Rumors About Game Awards Announcement

Quality Question

Dear Quality Show,

What games would you recommend for someone stuck in a post-Thanksgiving rolley polley state?


Quality Development

Madcap Castle Dec 11th Release

Nocturnal Hunt Released

TRÜBERBROOK – A Nerd Saves the World Kickstarter

Odysseus Kosmos and His Robot Quest

Quality Checkup

Abandon Ship Early Access 2018

Du Lac & Fey Kickstarter ENDING - 5 days

Cattail Released

Indie Game Shoutout

Oki said this week we a road trip up the Tokaido road.

Steam Number Lotto: 270880

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Intro Part 1 & Outro
"Pamgaea" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Intro Part 2
"Jaunty Gumption" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0