Content Warnings for off-screen kidnapping and coercion


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This Week on Harmony—The robot family finds themselves in the midst of a musical mystery!

Hosted by Rowan (@ceardannan and @pom_and_fiber)

Featuring Jack (@toyourstations and as Cain, Julianna ([not found]) as Adam, Jenny (@hereticpride) as Noah, and Vince (@Windjammah) as Joseph

Produced by Vince

You can find the show (@Qomrades) on Twitter or at

Text by Vince

Cover Art by Rowan! 

Note: Rowan has changed their name after this recording

Thank you to Noel Shiri for the use of our Theme song "Sentient Babies" (Noel Shiri on Bandcamp and @noelshiri on Twitter)

 You can find Vince and Jack’s other podcast at aapapappod

You can find the Let’s Plays Vince makes at

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