🐇💊 Redpill The Movie - It Is Time To Wake Up | Are You Awake?  Support The Redpill Project  

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They are smart, intelligent, cunning, strategic. They are masters of human psychology and understand emotional manipulation. They designed the world economies and are the architects of every aspect of control within your life, including the illusion of choice.  We knew this day was coming...  We knew we could not sit as the silent majority and allow our inheritance of this beautiful and magnificent country to be lay to waste.   This country, this world... is our responsibility.   

Each one of us has a role to play. We are all human beings on a human journey. We are all equal in ambition and desire and should never be limited by those that seek to control us.   We are united.  Moving forward as one race into the future.  Brought together not by that which makes us similar, but instead by our uniqueness, our passions, dreams.  

We are united as one people who all understand, that it is our differences that makes life beautiful and the world a special place.  We do not need rulers and dictators to give us solutions.  We are the creative ones, we are the ones who innovative.  All the solutions to every problem we face exist right now in the minds and curiosity of each and every human being on this planet.  There is not one thing we can't accomplish when we rise up, united with common goals and ideas of the future.  

 For far too long humanity has been sleeping from the poison of the serpents apple. We bit into a lie and got drunk off its sweetness. We let our guard down. We invited in the devil and forgot that he was ever here. He danced with us and fed us his bread. Our stomachs were full, our eyes attached to the screen of illusion and our ears followed the music away from the truth.   This Revolution is not one of politics, religion or ideology. It is one of awakening, of consciousness, of coming into being. Humanity is awakening from a giant slumber, a drugged sleep where were abused, suppressed and held back... when we win this war on our minds, and yes, we will win this war.  

The whole world will change...your reality will shift. It will be like the light of a new day, a day that we have all waited for and anticipated. We have all felt it, borrowing inside of us like a seed waiting to burst through the sun laid spring ground.  But it all starts right here, right now, with you and a choice.