In this episode AQ will discuss and share his thoughts on the coronavirus, Tiger King, his favorite beer and book pairings, and of course Catholicism.  Like all good things he decided to wait until the last minute to record because he is literally a perfectionist, but somehow he made it on time. We hope you enjoy this first episode of Q&A w/AQ and if you like it, share it with someone you know! 

For any questions you'd like to submit for next week's episode follow us on Twitter @_QAWAQ_. We post tons of great content along with AQ's daily thoughts on different things. SO if you feel the need for more of his refreshingly uncensored ideas you can find him their.

Thank you to all my listeners, for listening to me ramble for almost an hour; I can't promise that in the future my episodes will be any shorter, but I'll always try to keep them funny. Enjoy! - AQ