Our Game Buzz podcast this week sees us lament the death of the loot cave and argue that nerfing it solves the symptom rather than one of Destiny's biggest problems, we take a look at the omnishambles that has been Spacebase DF-9, and also deal with the news that Project Titan has, after seven years mired in development hell, finally been axed by Blizzard.

Game Buzz | Episode 90 - Can Destiny Be Fixed, And WTF Is Up With Spacebase? Recorded 26th September, 2014.

Parental Advisory: We've tried to keep it as conversational and informal as possible, and you should be warned that there may be some instances of strong language.

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Can Destiny Be Fixed, And WTF Is Up With Spacebase? - Game Buzz #90 is a post from: Dealspwn.com