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Everyone is pitching in at Hot Off the Press — or they will when they finally get there. David and Tommy are on their way back from their awkward lunch with Eric and Leo. Hayley, Max, and James are bickering about their Vintage Marketplace haul. Jason has to contend with his overbearing and injured mother. And then there's Anthony and Maureen. How do they fit in? Not to mention Matt and Lisa. Based on the play Two and Two Together by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Written, Directed, and Produced by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Starring (in order of appearance) Phyllis Uloth as Alethia Reyas, Peter Cosmas Sofronas as Jason Reyas, Chris Rose as Anthony Wallace, Dan Murray as Tommy Hanson, Adam Heroux as David Sharpe, Chrissy Lewis-Pirnie as Maureen Sloan, Nick Gould as Matt Sharpe, Amanda O'Donnell as Lisa Sharpe, Jon Vellante as James Rogers, Rachael Rabinovitz as Hayley Gettelmen, and Samuel Berbel as Max. Credits and Narration by Leonard Caplan. Sound Engineering by Dan Murray. Sound Editing by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Theme Music by Valerie Forgione. Special thanks to David Lebahn and Dan Murray. Extra special thanks to Del Shores and his writing master class.

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Scripts of Two and Two Together and the first two seasons of Putting 2&2 Together can be purchased at Merchandise available at TeeSpring. Donations can be made at By Me a Coffee. For further information, please visit